Do you suffer from poor job fit?

by Charlotte Garner



Even in times of high unemployment, people quit their jobs and the most likely cause is poor job fit.  Many of us have experienced this — the wrong job.

It’s no one’s fault, but it’s dawned on us that our work life is out of alignment and we look for a position that is a better fit.


The impact of poor job fit...

When employees are in the wrong position, they are more likely to experience burnout and leave the organisation.  Job burnout is where you feel physically, mentally and/or emotionally exhausted from work.  Also, you may doubt the value of your work and your own competency in getting the job done.

However, the impact of poor job fit can extend well beyond an employee simply quitting their job.  It can affect the employer’s bottom line, other employees in the organisation and even the employee’s family.

When an employee feels trapped in their job or that the job is not the right fit, they often end up working longer hours to do everything possible to succeed.  Their personal lives can be affected, for example, spending less time with family and friends.

Disengaged employees can also undermine their co-workers’ success, decreasing productivity and morale in the organisation.  And, as disengaged employees typically take about four more sick days per year than their engaged colleagues, the financial impact of disengagement is clear.

Why does poor job fit happen?

More often than not it is in the understanding of the individual’s suitability for the role.  On the one hand, some people may pursue jobs that don’t match their behavioural competencies and on the other, employers are unable to recognise when their candidate is not the best fit for the position.

An example of this is an individual who excels at mathematics thinking that a career in finance is the right job for them.  However, this person may be naturally more suited to a people--focused role.  Similarly, a person may have the right traits for a management role (eg. the ability to influence others and get things done), but not have the skills and experience (or the desire to attain them) that will enable them to be successful in the long term.

In both these examples, the end result may be the same…the employees may show promise and enthusiasm at first, working extra hours to do what is necessary to get the job done, but then find it difficult to maintain that momentum if they are not matched for the job.

Matching people to the right job…

There are several things employers can do to ensure their employees are in the right jobs and continue to contribute productively to the organisation.

Identify successful traits

Benchmark the traits and qualities that define success by looking at your current employees.  This will identify the behavioural competencies that fit in with your work environment, management style and the specific role.

Consider all key areas of ‘fit’

Pay attention to all the key areas of ‘fit’, not just one or two.  These include:

  • Skills and experience
  • Attitude and level of engagement
  • Behavioural competency

Make screening processes effective

As your time is limited, you need to ensure that you focus on screening those candidates with the best overall fit.  The right automated screening processes can identify the top candidates more quickly, which then enables you to use behavioural interviews to make the final decision.

Assist candidates to understand their traits

If candidates are provided with information on their career traits and strengths, they will have a greater insight into finding a career that really is the right fit in the future.

Finding the right fit…

Even the most talented and hard-working employee will find it difficult to succeed in a position that doesn’t match his or her skills, abilities and interests.  Everyone has their own particular strengths and aptitudes, and will succeed best in positions that mesh well with those characteristics.

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For further information about Dixon Appointments contact Charlotte Garner on 03 9629 9999 or email