Using visuals in your Recruitment Process

by James Muskett

The visual impact

Research has shown that people are naturally more attracted to images.  In fact, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.  It also takes the brain longer to process text-based information, whereas the time it takes to process visual content is 0.25 seconds.
Even the Internet continues to move away from purely text-based information, into a space where visuals are increasingly more important.
So, how do you use visuals in your recruitment processes?

Attracting the best candidates

Obviously, the objective of recruitment is to attract the best candidates and given that people respond better to visuals than written copy, gone are the days where text only job advertisements are sufficient.

Images can clearly communicate the type of employee sought.

Adding visuals to your job advertisements

Employers need an edge with which they can attract the best people for their job and adding images to your advertisements may help you differentiate yourself from your competitors.
Not only can visuals boost your attractiveness to potential employees, they can also boost your credibility in their eyes.  Research has suggested that 46% of people say a website’s design is the number one factor in determining its credibility and the same principal can be applied to job advertising. The better looking your job advert, the more professional your organisation will look and the more credible it will appear.

Using video to attract candidates

Visual communication can also simplify the information or ideas that you are seeking to pass on to candidates.  Consider including a ‘day in the life’ video or a few company culture photos to give interested applicants an idea of what it would be like to be a member of your team.
The options for using video content in recruiting are limitless; they can be embedded into your job advertisements, showcased on your career website and even used to ‘meet’ candidates in initial pre-screening interviews.

Adding images to social media and/or career websites

Many candidates check-out a company on their web and/or social media sites before deciding whether to apply for the job.  Give candidates an inside look at your company and help them ‘envision’ themselves working there.
A careers page or social media that is text-heavy and lacking in visuals isn't likely to hold a job seeker's attention.  Instead, you should focus on creating something that is both attractive and informative.

Engaging through visual inspiration

How you plan to be more visual or interactive in your recruitment processes will depend on the message you want to send. 
The popularity of visuals in recruitment will only continue to rise, so making use of this on your website, careers site and social media will help you build a strong brand that is attractive to the best candidates.


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For further information, contact James on 9629 9999 or email: